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 [13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E

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Big Ella's Fans
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[13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E Empty
PostSubject: [13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E   [13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 4:44 pm

最後DJ錄影 S.H.E搞笑大放送

2008.10.13 中華日報



S.H.E和 im.tv網站合作的網路電台將在 17日晚上播出最後一集,日前 S.H.E在工作滿檔之際抽空到 im.tv進行節目錄影,由於當天錄到結束已近凌晨, S.H.E三人在節目上大方送, Ella搞笑綁頭髮,自稱是選秀節目參賽者吳踩蓮兒頭, Hebe則是一改酷勁,頻與 Ella在鏡頭前扮醜,而 Selina也首度放下飄逸長髮耍性感, Ella表示 Selina樣子超像港星溫碧霞, Selina則是回說:「不是像王彩樺就好。」

雖然 S.H.E錄影隔天凌晨四點還得早起拍 MV,但三人卻不以為苦,認為做節目可以帶給歌迷朋友快樂,她們也會感到很開心。 S.H.E自然不做作的主持風格雖然大受網友歡迎,但過於辛辣的言詞和大膽的動作卻讓唱片公司「皮皮挫」,有唱片公司的工作人員匿名寫信給 S.H.E,希望他們在節目中能多提到跟專輯有關的東西, S.H.E也自嘲:「公司應該是覺得我們之前在節目上太亂來了吧!」雖然如此, Ella主持節目坐姿大剌剌,得靠坐在身邊的 Hebe不斷提醒她「收斂」一點。

節目上 S.H.E分別有各自喜歡的歌。 Hebe表示喜歡的是蔡旻佑寫的「店小二」,還大方稱讚蔡旻佑很厲害,並鼓勵他:「很多大牌寫歌給我們,我們還不見得會用喔!」 Selina則喜歡自己和周杰倫合作的「安靜了」以及帶點電音風格的「我愛煩惱」;至於 Ella最喜歡的則是「 612星球」,因為自己就像是歌詞形容般的「容易受傷的女人」。

前陣子忙著在大陸進行演唱會的 S.H.E表示,因為這次是和飛輪海一起演出所以覺得比較輕鬆,因為不是自己獨撐大局,歌和歌的空檔間可以從容的換衣服, Ella更是笑說:「中間空檔要大個便時間都很充裕。」談到演唱會, S.H.E很期待劉德華和郭富城年底在台灣舉行的演唱會,去年底曾在紅館看過劉德華演唱會的 Ella指出,看到劉德華在台上就會被他對表演的認真和努力感動,所以無論工作多忙,都一定要邀另外兩人一起去觀賞。另外,對於郭富城創下金氏世界記錄的 360度舞台要搬來台灣,三人也感到興致高昂。

做了五集節目, Ella認為當 DJ真的很不容易,因為人難免有高低潮,但 DJ總是得展現出自己開心的一面,而且因為主持節目容易詞窮,所以她也有點害怕,但 Ella笑說其實私下的 S.H.E話很多,只是大概有三分之二都是不能搬上檯面的, Hebe也說:「要是把我們私下的對話拿到節目來,那大概整集節目都是『嗶嗶嗶』的消音聲,好像在聽電音一樣。」 Selina則感性表示,很感謝當初想到「電台」這個概念的工作人員,因為有這個概念,才能讓她們有很多新嘗試,以後都會是美好的回憶。

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Big Ella's Fans
Big Ella's Fans

Number of posts : 203
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Registration date : 2008-08-02

[13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E Empty
PostSubject: Re: [13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E   [13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 4:45 pm



Note: Please credit wyn0602of HOPE for translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article. Please quote this translated article (including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Taping Last Episode of Love’s DJ
Jokes Galore from S.H.E


Ella & Hebe Making Funny Faces to Cheer Cast & Crew

On October 17, the website im.tv will air the last webcast of FM S.H.E. Earlier, S.H.E took time out from their full schedule to tape the program at im.tv. Because the taping did not finish until the wee hours, S.H.E joked constantly on the program. Ella hilariously tied up her hair and self-proclaimed to have the hairstyle of show contestant Wu Cai Ling Er. Hebe went from being her usual aloofness to constantly making funny faces with Ella in front of the camera. Even Selina let down her long hair for the first time to play up being sexy. Ella indicated that Selina closely resembled Hong Kong star Irene Wan to which Selina responded: [As long as I don’t resemble Lotus Wang.]

Although after the taping, S.H.E had to get up at 4 in the following morning to film their MV, the trio did not feel stressed. They felt that if the program can bring happiness to their fans, they would also be happy. Although the natural and unpretentious way of hosting was well received by the netizens but their overly daring words and bold actions made their record company quite alarmed. The company staff even wrote an anonymous letter to S.H.E, hoping that they would talk more about album related topics in the program. Even S.H.E self-mockingly said: [The company probably felt that in the earlier episodes we went too far on the program.] Even so, the way Ella sat while hosting the program was still overly casual and had to rely on Hebe who sat next to her to constantly remind her to [restrain] herself a bit.

On the program, S.H.E had her own respective favorite songs. Hebe indicated that she liked [Waiter] written by Evan Yo and even openly praising Evan Yo as well as encouraging him: [Even though many big names had written songs for us, we don't necessarily prefer it.] Selina liked [Silence], the song she collaborated with Jay Chou, and the slightly techno [I Love Trouble]. As for Ella, her favorite was [Planet 612] because just like the lyric described, she was a woman who gets hurt easily.

Previously busy with concerts in China, S.H.E indicated that because this time, they were performed with Fahrenheit, therefore it felt more relaxing. Since they were not the sole performers, there was enough time between songs for more leisurely costume changes. Ella even laughingly said: [Between songs, there is even enough time to do a #1.] Speaking of concerts, S.H.E was full of anticipation for the concerts that Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok will be holding in Taiwan at the end of the year. Ella, who saw Andy Lau’s concert at Hong Kong last year, said that when she saw Andy Lau on stage, she was moved by his sincerity and diligence towards performing. Therefore, regardless how busy their schedule may be, she still would invite the other two to attend with her. Also, the trio was also extremely interesting in Aaron Kwok bringing his Guinness World Record setting 360 degree stage to Taiwan.

After 5 episodes, Ella felt it was not easy being a DJ. Having mood swings of ups and downs is inevitable for each person but DJs must always express the side that is happy. Furthermore, it was very easy to run out of words while hosting a program, therefore she was somewhat apprehensive. But Ella laughed that actually, S.H.E chatted constantly in private but approximately two-thirds of the conversations were not presentable. Hebe also said: [If we bring what we talked about in private onto the program, that whole episode would be filled with {beep beep beep} sound, like listening to electronic signals.] Selina indicated somewhat sentimentally that she was thankful to the staff member who first came up with the idea of [web station]. Because of this idea, it allowed them to try many new things that would become beautiful memories in the future.
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[13.10.08] Taping Last Episode of Love's DJ, Jokes Galore From S.H.E
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